Our Services

TRIA ROBIT provides a full range of intellectual property services in the areas of patents, designs, trademarks and related matters. These include filing and prosecuting applications for patents, designs and trademarks, dealing with oppositions, revocations, appeals and other proceedings relating to granted IP rights, infringements and enforcement matters, search and watching services, renewals.

About Us

Agency TRIA ROBIT is one of the leading firm of patent and trademark attorneys in the Baltic States. We were founded in 1991 by Vladimir Anohin and have built one of the largest and most successful intellectual property practices in Eastern Europe with a significant international reputation.
At Agency TRIA ROBIT we have considerable experience in all aspects of obtaining, using and enforcing patents, trademarks, designs and other related rights throughout the world for our clients. We have wide commercial and industrial experience, and our technical expertise covers all major technologies.
Our clients range from individual inventors and small start-up companies to established businesses and large multinational corporations, and we offer services to support the management of each client’s IP portfolio.


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Why to choose us

Whether you are an individual inventor, a multinational company with large IP portfolio, or a foreign intellectual property practice, we can provide tailored solutions according to your particular needs. Our reputation extends internationally, as does our expertise, and we represent clients from all parts of the globe....

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Our Achievements

Agency TRIA ROBIT has been awarded constantly in the annual World IP surveys arranged by Euromoney’s Managing Intellectual Property magazine as the top tier firm for both patent and trademark work in the Baltic States of the European Union since 1997, when they appeared on the survey. ...

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What intellectual property experts says about us

… the only and the best specialist IP firm in the Baltic States …

Legal 500 Law firms ranking book

Boutique firm Agency TRIA ROBIT continues to dominate IP practice in Latvia, occupying the top spot in all four categories for yet another year. … The firm was described by one client as ‘reliable, precise, and excellent law firm’.

Managing Intellectual Property magazine

To the point and incredibly efficient, the firm offers a 'simple, direct, uncomplicated, cost-effective and responsive' service. High-profile and complex opposition proceedings are bread and butter to Tria Robit's practioners.

World Trademark Review information agency

In Latvia the outstanding firm is Agency TRIA ROBIT, where partner Vladimir Anohin is known worldwide.

Managing Intellectual Property magazine

SIA “Aģentūra TRIA ROBIT” 09.04.2024. ir noslēgusi ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru Līgumu Nr.17.1-1-L-2024/190 par eksporta atbalsta nodrošināšanu saskaņā ar Eiropas Savienības Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projektu „MVU inovatīvas uzņēmējdarbības attīstība”, projekta identifikācijas numurs  (turpmāk - Projekts) eksporta atbalsta nodrošināšanai, kas apstiprināts ar Centrālās finanšu un līguma aģentūras 2023. gada 15.septembra lēmumu Nr. 39-2-10/5828 un īstenots saskaņā ar 2023.gada 26.septembra noslēgto vienošanos par projekta īstenošanu  Eiropas Savienības kohēzijas politikas programmas 2021.-2027. gadam 1.2.3. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Veicināt ilgtspējīgu izaugsmi, konkurētspēju un darba vietu radīšanu MVU, tostarp ar produktīvām investīcijām” pasākuma “Atbalsts MVU inovatīvas uzņēmējdarbības attīstībai”.